Items tagged with germany and decriminalization

Item title Description
Drug Decriminalisation Across the World [31.12.2030] The criminalisation of people who use drugs compounds drug-related challenges and worsens health and welfare outcomes. Across the world, there is a g ...
German government to loosen up cannabis legalisation law [27.11.2023] Recreational use of cannabis is set to become legal in Germany. The government has agreed the final draft of the legislation that will be discussed a ...
Cannabis : pourquoi la France bloque quand nos voisins européens assouplissent la législation [19.11.2023] « Clubs de cannabis, culture à domicile, Weed care… » : l'Allemagne, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, la Belgique et la Suisse - ces pays frontaliers de ...
Tackling Belgium’s drug problem: Legalising cannabis is ‘common sense,’ says Economy Minister [31.08.2023] A solution to the drug and security problem in Belgium's bigger cities, such as Brussels and Antwerp, could be legalising the sale and use of cannabi ...
Cannabis: Germany legalises, France punishes [30.08.2023] With Marseille, one of France’s main drug trafficking hubs, having recorded around 32 deaths since the start of the year related mainly to cannabis t ...
German goverment adopts watered-down cannabis legalisation bill [16.08.2023] The German government adopted a watered-down plan to legalise cannabis, moving one step closer to the substance’s controlled distribution, though cri ...
German officials unveil revised plan to legalize marijuana [12.04.2023] Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir released the updated legalization plans, scaling back the framework ...
Legalising cannabis: Germany first, Europe next? [09.02.2023] The German 'traffic light' coalition of the SPD, Greens, and Liberals promised in their 2021 post-election governing manifesto to not just decriminal ...
Treat Breda as part of Germany so regulated weed can go ahead: mayor [07.11.2022] The mayor of Breda has asked if his region can be treated as a part of Germany, in order to go ahead with a trial of regulated cannabis growing. Spea ...
Czech Republic on the way to legalizing cannabis [02.11.2022] Tourists in Prague may get the impression that the Czech capital is also the cannabis capital of Europe. From stickers to posters, the iconic leaf of ...
Germany will legalize cannabis — but nobody knows when [17.08.2022] Cannabis has become a part of everyday culture in Germany and now, policymaking. The coalition government of center-left Social Democrats (SPD), envi ...
420 day: Berlin pro-cannabis rally demands immediate legalization [20.04.2022] At least 500 pro-legalization protesters gathered in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on Wednesday for 420, the annual April 20 celebration marked ...
After Malta, Germany set to make pot mainstream [02.12.2021] The European Union is currently a hotchpotch of different approaches to cannabis use, ranging from complete prohibition to different levels of decrim ...
Bongs for beer steins? Why Germany might move to legalise cannabis [10.11.2021] Germany's likely new government, the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens and the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), have been locked ...
Germany should make cannabis available at pharmacies not ‘coffee shops’, says FDP boss [18.10.2021] The Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) are set to engage in coalition talks in a bid to become the next German ...
A roundup of countries that permit recreational cannabis [15.10.2021] Marijuana may be an issue of easy agreement in the ongoing coalition talks between Germany's leading parties. Despite numerous points of contention, ...
German SPD health expert calls on next government to legalize cannabis [13.10.2021] Social Democratic Party (SPD) health expert Karl Lauterbach ourged the SPD, Greens and Free Democrats (FDP) hoping to form Germany's next government ...
Drugs Commissioner: Possession of six grams of cannabis should no longer be a criminal offence [23.08.2021] The Federal Commissioner on Narcotic Drugs, Daniela Ludwig (CSU), advocates that in future the possession of cannabis up to a personal use limit of s ...
Germany: Cannabis legalization becomes election campaign issue [26.06.2021] With watershed elections looming in Germany, some politicians are talking about a new approach to drug control. The opposition Free Democrats (FDP), ...
Growing cannabis at home – illegal, but how risky? [14.12.2020] Last summer, during a press conference, Germany’s drug czar Daniela Ludwig said something goofy: “Just because alcohol is dangerous doesn’t mean that ...
Let's decriminalise casual cannabis use [08.09.2020] The number of drug offences continue to increase in Germany – a very real issue for the country. Drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig is of course on the ...
Bremen lockert Grenzwerte für Cannabis [06.03.2020] Wer in Bremen bis zu zehn Gramm Cannabis für den Eigenkonsum in der Tasche hat, wird ab April nicht mehr strafrechtlich verfolgt. Bei bis zu 15 Gramm ...
Majority of German parliament favors recreational cannabis reform, but change neither sure nor imminent [21.02.2020] One of the German government coalition parties clarified its stance on recreational marijuana in favor of decriminalizing possession and allowing pil ...
German drug czar pushes for uniform cannabis laws [17.12.2019] Cannabis is illegal in Germany, but each state has different regulations on how much is allowed for personal possession. Germany's drug commissioner ...
Drug laws on possession: several countries are revisiting them and these are their options [02.08.2019] Many countries are changing the way they approach people who use drugs. The Irish government has just announced possible alternatives to criminalisat ...
Cannabis regulation and local authorities in Europe [31.03.2019] Local and regional authorities across Europe are confronted with the negative consequences of a persisting illicit cannabis market. Increasingly, loc ...
Cannabis in the City [01.03.2019] Lately, there have been clear signs of a shift in governments’ approaches to recreational cannabis. Uruguay in 2013 and Canada in 2018 – as well as a ...
Harm reduction is the right way to treat drug abuse [24.11.2018] Portugal’s policies are based on “harm reduction” approaches pioneered in countries such as Switzerland in the 1980s. The idea is to emphasise treatm ...
5 facts about cannabis laws in Germany [10.03.2018] Germany's drug laws have evolved over the past 30 years, with punishments becoming more severe, and, paradoxically, the definition of "drug offender" ...
Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis: Theoretische Mehrheit im Bundestag [22.02.2018] Im Deutschen Bundestag besteht eine theoretische Mehrheit, die die Entkriminalisierung des Cannabiskonsums vorantreiben will. Die Bundestagsfraktione ...
German police association calls for complete legalization of cannabis [05.02.2018] The Association of German Criminal Officers (BDK) is in favour of ending the ban on cannabis and has called for the decriminalization of all use. "Th ...
Berlin: Görlitzer Park cannabis possession once again legal [09.11.2017] Berlin has quietly ended a ban on cannabis possession in the notorious Görlitzer Park, admitting it was ineffective in addressing flagrant criminalit ...
Überprüfung der Drogengesetze wird gefordert [28.10.2017] Strafrechtler und die Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen (DHS) fordern von den Bundestagsfraktionen die Einsetzung einer Enquete-Kommission Cannabi ...
Bundesrat lehnt Cannabis-Antrag ab [08.07.2017] Der Bundesrat hat den Antrag Bremens und Thüringens zur Einführung von Cannabis-Modellprojekten mit großer Mehrheit abgelehnt. Somit ist das Vorhaben ...
Bremen will Cannabis ohne Rezept [26.06.2017] Die Länder Bremen und Thüringen haben im Bundesrat einen Antrag zu einem liberaleren Umgang mit Cannabis eingereicht. Darin wird die Bundesregierung ...
Six things to know about weed in Germany [20.04.2017] There's long been talk of fully legalizing cannabis in Germany, especially in the capital of Berlin. But how close is Deutschland actually to making ...
Five things to know about weed in Germany [24.11.2016] The debate about legalizing cannabis continues in Germany - court cases in recent years have granted permission to use the drug for medical purposes, ...
Berlin likely to semi-legalize marijuana [11.11.2016] A coalition of political parties in the German capital agreed to push for partial decriminalization of cannabis. The initial effects will be limited. ...
Bremen plant Modellprojekt zur Legalisierung von Cannabis [13.03.2016] Die Fraktionen von SPD und Grünen in Bremen wollen den Konsum von Cannabis legalisieren. Dazu soll der rot-grüne Senat ein wissenschaftlich begleitet ...
Experten sehen kaum Chancen für Koalitionsplan [25.02.2016] Das Bremer Modellprojekt für eine kontrollierte Abgabe von Cannabis hat nach Einschätzung von Experten kaum Erfolgschancen. Sie plädierten für eine R ...
Cannabis in Berlin: Illegal...or not? [07.08.2015] In Germany the possession of cannabis is illegal. Even small amounts are prosecuted, but charges are usually dropped. The definition of this "small a ...
SPD und Grüne für entspanntes Kiffen [21.07.2015] Cannabis-Konsum milder bestrafen oder gleich ganz legalisieren: In den Bundesländern mehren sich die Rufe nach einem liberaleren Umgang. Baden-Württe ...
Kiffer sollen wie Falschparker bestraft werden [21.07.2015] Hamburgs Justizsenator Till Steffen (Grüne) will das Kiffen zu einer Ordnungswidrigkeit herabstufen. "Es wäre wie beim Falschparken. Da kann abgewoge ...
NRW-Ministerin fordert Cannabis-Freigabe [06.03.2015] NRW-Gesundheitsministerin Barbara Steffens (Grüne) spricht sich für eine kontrollierte Freigabe der weichen Droge Cannabis aus. Mit einer streng regu ...
Cannabis lovers greet Green legalization plan [04.03.2015] German pro-legalization campaigners welcomed a draft law presented by the Green party that would allow adults to consume cannabis under strict condit ...
Null Gramm Toleranz im Görlitzer Park [13.01.2015] Kiffer in Berlin dürfen weiterhin bis zu 15 Gramm Cannabis für den Eigenbedarf dabei haben, ohne strafrechtlich verfolgt zu werden – jedoch nicht meh ...
Reform der Cannabispolitik in Europa [27.12.2014] Während die Reform der Cannabispolitik in Amerika Fahrt aufnimmt, scheint Europa hinterherzuhinken. Genauer gesagt, die europäischen Staaten auf nati ...
Cannabis umnebelt die Koalition [25.11.2014] In der Großen Koalition in Berlin ist eine Debatte um die zulässige Menge für Eigenkonsum von Cannabis entbrannt. Die CDU will das Limit auf sechs Gr ...
Positives Echo auf Cannabis-Modellversuch [17.11.2014] Die CDU will den von der Gesundheitsdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig angestrebten Modellversuch zur Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis erst einmal in Ruhe ...
Frankfurt city hall sparks up talks on pot legalization [17.11.2014] Experts met to discuss the merits of cannabis legalization at Frankfurt’s city hall, marking the first time that a German city has officially discuss ...
Auf dem Weg zur Legalisierung [16.11.2014] Gesundheitsdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig (Grüne) hat sich auf der Ersten Frankfurter Fachtagung zu Cannabis für einen Modellversuch zur Entkriminalisi ...
Law professors demand cannabis legalization [09.04.2014] Around 3 million Germans regularly smoke marijuana. Some 14 million are estimated to have tried the drug at least once. It's not punishable by law in ...
Berlin council votes to open first cannabis cafe [29.11.2013] Councillors in Berlin have voted to launch the country's first cannabis cafe in their district. A large majority in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg coun ...
Deutschland wird zur Kiffer-Republik [24.11.2013] Liberale Strafrechtsprofessoren fordern, dass sich der Bundestag erneut mit dem Drogenverbot auseinandersetzt und haben eine entsprechende Petition u ...
Know your limit: Germany seeks uniform law on marijuana [24.05.2013] The laws regarding cannabis possession in Germany are nothing if not confusing. It is illegal to possess or consume marijuana. Except that carrying a ...
Duped by dope [21.03.2013] Germany's law-enforcement and legal apparatus devotes enormous resources to fighting illegal narcotics. But users are always a step ahead, and lawmak ...
Leftists suggest legal cannabis clubs [25.01.2012] Germany’s socialist Left party is calling an expert hearing on “legalizing cannabis through the introduction of cannabis clubs” in the German parliam ...
Berlin set to relax cannabis laws [18.05.2010] A new marijuana policy could make it legal for individuals to posses up to 15 grams (0.5 ounces) of the drug in the German capital. The regulation wo ...