Items tagged with germany and decriminalization
Item title | Description |
Drug Decriminalisation Across the World [31.12.2030] | The criminalisation of people who use drugs compounds drug-related challenges and worsens health and welfare outcomes. Across the world, there is a g ... |
German government to loosen up cannabis legalisation law [27.11.2023] | Recreational use of cannabis is set to become legal in Germany. The government has agreed the final draft of the legislation that will be discussed a ... |
Cannabis : pourquoi la France bloque quand nos voisins européens assouplissent la législation [19.11.2023] | « Clubs de cannabis, culture à domicile, Weed care… » : l'Allemagne, le Luxembourg, les Pays-Bas, la Belgique et la Suisse - ces pays frontaliers de ... |
Tackling Belgium’s drug problem: Legalising cannabis is ‘common sense,’ says Economy Minister [31.08.2023] | A solution to the drug and security problem in Belgium's bigger cities, such as Brussels and Antwerp, could be legalising the sale and use of cannabi ... |
Cannabis: Germany legalises, France punishes [30.08.2023] | With Marseille, one of France’s main drug trafficking hubs, having recorded around 32 deaths since the start of the year related mainly to cannabis t ... |
German goverment adopts watered-down cannabis legalisation bill [16.08.2023] | The German government adopted a watered-down plan to legalise cannabis, moving one step closer to the substance’s controlled distribution, though cri ... |
German officials unveil revised plan to legalize marijuana [12.04.2023] | Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and Minister of Food and Agriculture Cem Özdemir released the updated legalization plans, scaling back the framework ... |
Legalising cannabis: Germany first, Europe next? [09.02.2023] | The German 'traffic light' coalition of the SPD, Greens, and Liberals promised in their 2021 post-election governing manifesto to not just decriminal ... |
Treat Breda as part of Germany so regulated weed can go ahead: mayor [07.11.2022] | The mayor of Breda has asked if his region can be treated as a part of Germany, in order to go ahead with a trial of regulated cannabis growing. Spea ... |
Czech Republic on the way to legalizing cannabis [02.11.2022] | Tourists in Prague may get the impression that the Czech capital is also the cannabis capital of Europe. From stickers to posters, the iconic leaf of ... |
Germany will legalize cannabis — but nobody knows when [17.08.2022] | Cannabis has become a part of everyday culture in Germany and now, policymaking. The coalition government of center-left Social Democrats (SPD), envi ... |
420 day: Berlin pro-cannabis rally demands immediate legalization [20.04.2022] | At least 500 pro-legalization protesters gathered in front of Berlin's Brandenburg Gate on Wednesday for 420, the annual April 20 celebration marked ... |
After Malta, Germany set to make pot mainstream [02.12.2021] | The European Union is currently a hotchpotch of different approaches to cannabis use, ranging from complete prohibition to different levels of decrim ... |
Bongs for beer steins? Why Germany might move to legalise cannabis [10.11.2021] | Germany's likely new government, the left-leaning Social Democratic Party (SPD), Greens and the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP), have been locked ... |
Germany should make cannabis available at pharmacies not ‘coffee shops’, says FDP boss [18.10.2021] | The Social Democrats (SPD), Greens and the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) are set to engage in coalition talks in a bid to become the next German ... |
A roundup of countries that permit recreational cannabis [15.10.2021] | Marijuana may be an issue of easy agreement in the ongoing coalition talks between Germany's leading parties. Despite numerous points of contention, ... |
German SPD health expert calls on next government to legalize cannabis [13.10.2021] | Social Democratic Party (SPD) health expert Karl Lauterbach ourged the SPD, Greens and Free Democrats (FDP) hoping to form Germany's next government ... |
Drugs Commissioner: Possession of six grams of cannabis should no longer be a criminal offence [23.08.2021] | The Federal Commissioner on Narcotic Drugs, Daniela Ludwig (CSU), advocates that in future the possession of cannabis up to a personal use limit of s ... |
Germany: Cannabis legalization becomes election campaign issue [26.06.2021] | With watershed elections looming in Germany, some politicians are talking about a new approach to drug control. The opposition Free Democrats (FDP), ... |
Growing cannabis at home – illegal, but how risky? [14.12.2020] | Last summer, during a press conference, Germany’s drug czar Daniela Ludwig said something goofy: “Just because alcohol is dangerous doesn’t mean that ... |
Let's decriminalise casual cannabis use [08.09.2020] | The number of drug offences continue to increase in Germany – a very real issue for the country. Drug Commissioner Daniela Ludwig is of course on the ... |
Bremen lockert Grenzwerte für Cannabis [06.03.2020] | Wer in Bremen bis zu zehn Gramm Cannabis für den Eigenkonsum in der Tasche hat, wird ab April nicht mehr strafrechtlich verfolgt. Bei bis zu 15 Gramm ... |
Majority of German parliament favors recreational cannabis reform, but change neither sure nor imminent [21.02.2020] | One of the German government coalition parties clarified its stance on recreational marijuana in favor of decriminalizing possession and allowing pil ... |
German drug czar pushes for uniform cannabis laws [17.12.2019] | Cannabis is illegal in Germany, but each state has different regulations on how much is allowed for personal possession. Germany's drug commissioner ... |
Drug laws on possession: several countries are revisiting them and these are their options [02.08.2019] | Many countries are changing the way they approach people who use drugs. The Irish government has just announced possible alternatives to criminalisat ... |
Cannabis regulation and local authorities in Europe [31.03.2019] | Local and regional authorities across Europe are confronted with the negative consequences of a persisting illicit cannabis market. Increasingly, loc ... |
Cannabis in the City [01.03.2019] | Lately, there have been clear signs of a shift in governments’ approaches to recreational cannabis. Uruguay in 2013 and Canada in 2018 – as well as a ... |
Harm reduction is the right way to treat drug abuse [24.11.2018] | Portugal’s policies are based on “harm reduction” approaches pioneered in countries such as Switzerland in the 1980s. The idea is to emphasise treatm ... |
5 facts about cannabis laws in Germany [10.03.2018] | Germany's drug laws have evolved over the past 30 years, with punishments becoming more severe, and, paradoxically, the definition of "drug offender" ... |
Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis: Theoretische Mehrheit im Bundestag [22.02.2018] | Im Deutschen Bundestag besteht eine theoretische Mehrheit, die die Entkriminalisierung des Cannabiskonsums vorantreiben will. Die Bundestagsfraktione ... |
German police association calls for complete legalization of cannabis [05.02.2018] | The Association of German Criminal Officers (BDK) is in favour of ending the ban on cannabis and has called for the decriminalization of all use. "Th ... |
Berlin: Görlitzer Park cannabis possession once again legal [09.11.2017] | Berlin has quietly ended a ban on cannabis possession in the notorious Görlitzer Park, admitting it was ineffective in addressing flagrant criminalit ... |
Überprüfung der Drogengesetze wird gefordert [28.10.2017] | Strafrechtler und die Deutsche Hauptstelle für Suchtfragen (DHS) fordern von den Bundestagsfraktionen die Einsetzung einer Enquete-Kommission Cannabi ... |
Bundesrat lehnt Cannabis-Antrag ab [08.07.2017] | Der Bundesrat hat den Antrag Bremens und Thüringens zur Einführung von Cannabis-Modellprojekten mit großer Mehrheit abgelehnt. Somit ist das Vorhaben ... |
Bremen will Cannabis ohne Rezept [26.06.2017] | Die Länder Bremen und Thüringen haben im Bundesrat einen Antrag zu einem liberaleren Umgang mit Cannabis eingereicht. Darin wird die Bundesregierung ... |
Six things to know about weed in Germany [20.04.2017] | There's long been talk of fully legalizing cannabis in Germany, especially in the capital of Berlin. But how close is Deutschland actually to making ... |
Five things to know about weed in Germany [24.11.2016] | The debate about legalizing cannabis continues in Germany - court cases in recent years have granted permission to use the drug for medical purposes, ... |
Berlin likely to semi-legalize marijuana [11.11.2016] | A coalition of political parties in the German capital agreed to push for partial decriminalization of cannabis. The initial effects will be limited. ... |
Bremen plant Modellprojekt zur Legalisierung von Cannabis [13.03.2016] | Die Fraktionen von SPD und Grünen in Bremen wollen den Konsum von Cannabis legalisieren. Dazu soll der rot-grüne Senat ein wissenschaftlich begleitet ... |
Experten sehen kaum Chancen für Koalitionsplan [25.02.2016] | Das Bremer Modellprojekt für eine kontrollierte Abgabe von Cannabis hat nach Einschätzung von Experten kaum Erfolgschancen. Sie plädierten für eine R ... |
Cannabis in Berlin: Illegal...or not? [07.08.2015] | In Germany the possession of cannabis is illegal. Even small amounts are prosecuted, but charges are usually dropped. The definition of this "small a ... |
SPD und Grüne für entspanntes Kiffen [21.07.2015] | Cannabis-Konsum milder bestrafen oder gleich ganz legalisieren: In den Bundesländern mehren sich die Rufe nach einem liberaleren Umgang. Baden-Württe ... |
Kiffer sollen wie Falschparker bestraft werden [21.07.2015] | Hamburgs Justizsenator Till Steffen (Grüne) will das Kiffen zu einer Ordnungswidrigkeit herabstufen. "Es wäre wie beim Falschparken. Da kann abgewoge ... |
NRW-Ministerin fordert Cannabis-Freigabe [06.03.2015] | NRW-Gesundheitsministerin Barbara Steffens (Grüne) spricht sich für eine kontrollierte Freigabe der weichen Droge Cannabis aus. Mit einer streng regu ... |
Cannabis lovers greet Green legalization plan [04.03.2015] | German pro-legalization campaigners welcomed a draft law presented by the Green party that would allow adults to consume cannabis under strict condit ... |
Null Gramm Toleranz im Görlitzer Park [13.01.2015] | Kiffer in Berlin dürfen weiterhin bis zu 15 Gramm Cannabis für den Eigenbedarf dabei haben, ohne strafrechtlich verfolgt zu werden – jedoch nicht meh ... |
Reform der Cannabispolitik in Europa [27.12.2014] | Während die Reform der Cannabispolitik in Amerika Fahrt aufnimmt, scheint Europa hinterherzuhinken. Genauer gesagt, die europäischen Staaten auf nati ... |
Cannabis umnebelt die Koalition [25.11.2014] | In der Großen Koalition in Berlin ist eine Debatte um die zulässige Menge für Eigenkonsum von Cannabis entbrannt. Die CDU will das Limit auf sechs Gr ... |
Positives Echo auf Cannabis-Modellversuch [17.11.2014] | Die CDU will den von der Gesundheitsdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig angestrebten Modellversuch zur Entkriminalisierung von Cannabis erst einmal in Ruhe ... |
Frankfurt city hall sparks up talks on pot legalization [17.11.2014] | Experts met to discuss the merits of cannabis legalization at Frankfurt’s city hall, marking the first time that a German city has officially discuss ... |
Auf dem Weg zur Legalisierung [16.11.2014] | Gesundheitsdezernentin Rosemarie Heilig (Grüne) hat sich auf der Ersten Frankfurter Fachtagung zu Cannabis für einen Modellversuch zur Entkriminalisi ... |
Law professors demand cannabis legalization [09.04.2014] | Around 3 million Germans regularly smoke marijuana. Some 14 million are estimated to have tried the drug at least once. It's not punishable by law in ... |
Berlin council votes to open first cannabis cafe [29.11.2013] | Councillors in Berlin have voted to launch the country's first cannabis cafe in their district. A large majority in the Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg coun ... |
Deutschland wird zur Kiffer-Republik [24.11.2013] | Liberale Strafrechtsprofessoren fordern, dass sich der Bundestag erneut mit dem Drogenverbot auseinandersetzt und haben eine entsprechende Petition u ... |
Know your limit: Germany seeks uniform law on marijuana [24.05.2013] | The laws regarding cannabis possession in Germany are nothing if not confusing. It is illegal to possess or consume marijuana. Except that carrying a ... |
Duped by dope [21.03.2013] | Germany's law-enforcement and legal apparatus devotes enormous resources to fighting illegal narcotics. But users are always a step ahead, and lawmak ... |
Leftists suggest legal cannabis clubs [25.01.2012] | Germany’s socialist Left party is calling an expert hearing on “legalizing cannabis through the introduction of cannabis clubs” in the German parliam ... |
Berlin set to relax cannabis laws [18.05.2010] | A new marijuana policy could make it legal for individuals to posses up to 15 grams (0.5 ounces) of the drug in the German capital. The regulation wo ... |
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