Items tagged with france and drug consumption rooms

Item title Description
'The capital of crack' - Why can't Paris deal with its drug problem? [17.12.2020] For 30 years, crack has been the bane of this part of the capital, near Place Stalingrad, in the less glamorous northeast of the city. Since last yea ...
France is testing safe drug consumption rooms for opioid addicts [31.07.2019] Paris’s supervised consumption room, close to the Gare du Nord train station, is preventing potential fatalities and delivering much-needed health ca ...
How 'fixing rooms' are saving the lives of drug addicts [21.11.2018] All over Europe, every day, many thousands of people will inject heroin in drug consumption rooms. But none of these will be in the UK, where drug ad ...
France's first injection room for addicts opens in Paris [11.10.2016] France's first supervised drug centre or "salle de shoot" opened in Paris near the Gare du Nord train station. The area is a known hotspot for drug a ...
France votes to legalize drug 'shooting galleries' [07.04.2015] France's National Assembly voted this week to legalize drug consumption rooms - safe places for addicts to consume drugs - in the hope of keeping use ...
Un peu moins de fumée autour des politiques antidrogues [19.11.2014] Il faut changer la loi de 1970 pénalisant l’usage de cannabis : c’est ce que préconisent deux députés, auteurs d’un rapport sur les drogues illicites ...
Paris drugs shooting gallery given the go-ahead [30.05.2013] Drug users in Paris will be able to inject themselves in a secure and monitored environment after a site near the city’s busy Gare du Nord was agreed ...
Daniel Vaillant pense à une «salle de crack» [13.04.2013] Daniel Vaillant (PS), a suggéré de réfléchir à la création d’une salle de consommation de crack, une fois que la «salle de shoot» de la gare du Nord ...
Drug users to have secure site in Paris [11.02.2013] Drug users in France will soon have a state-sanctioned place where they can use heroin, crack and other intravenous drugs, after the government appro ...
Drug ‘shooting galleries’ to be tested by France [22.10.2012] France’s health minister, Marisol Touraine, has said trial centres where drug addicts can safely inject their own drugs with sterile needles provided ...
Hollande will not go Dutch on cannabis [17.05.2012] The new president of France, François Hollande, is not likely to change cannabis policies. His choice as Minister of the Interior, Manuel Valls, is a ...
France mulls opening 'shooting galleries' for drug addicts [24.09.2010] French officials across the political spectrum have expressed support for "shooting galleries", where addicts could use drugs under medical supervisi ...