Items tagged with opium and mexico
Item title | Description |
Legalization advocates hope to end Mexico’s drug war [12.12.2020] | A determined political movement to end the war on drugs has taken shape across Europe and North America. Harm reduction advocates say lives can be sa ... |
The coronavirus has gutted the price of coca. It could reshape the cocaine trade [09.06.2020] | As a farmer eking out a living in Peru’s central jungle, Rubén Leiva grew one cash crop that seemed immune from global cycles of booms and busts. But ... |
When poppies don’t pay [24.06.2019] | “Then and there, I went to sell it, because I needed the money,” sing Los Armadillos, a band from La Sierra in the Mexican state of Guerrero. The pop ... |
How to legalize every drug [22.05.2019] | As Canada continues to work out the kinks of legalizing cannabis—and jurisdictions around the world follow suit—harm reduction advocates and drug pol ... |
Struggling to compete with fentanyl, Mexico’s poppy farmers ask for legalization [04.02.2019] | Guerrero is Mexico’s third-poorest state and the center of its opium industry. If the state of 3.5 million were an independent country, it would be t ... |
Mexico’s war on drugs failed [30.11.2018] | Former Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo, once a firm proponent of the war on drugs, urged contemporary lawmakers to “give the benefit of the doubt t ... |
Connecting the dots... [26.10.2018] | How can we resolve the tensions between current drug control policies and states’ human rights obligations? The international human rights framework ... |
Mexico president-elect says will look at legalizing some drugs [08.10.2018] | Mexico's President-elect Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador said that he would consider legalizing certain drugs as part of a broader strategy to fight pove ... |
Mexico’s new president has a radical plan to end the drug war [15.08.2018] | Since the military took to the streets to fight the increasingly powerful and violent cartels producing and trafficking drugs north to consumers in t ... |
U.S. has been quietly helping Mexico with new, high-tech ways to fight opium [15.04.2018] | In the past few opiate-soaked years, U.S. officials say, nearly all the heroin coursing through American cities has come from one place: Mexico. “The ... |
Poppies, opium, and heroin [01.03.2018] | Poppy cultivation in Mexico and Colombia is part of a local economy geared almost exclusively toward the illegal market abroad: it is driven by deman ... |
Legal marijuana cuts violence says US study, as medical-use laws see crime fall [14.01.2018] | The introduction of medical marijuana laws has led to a sharp reduction in violent crime in US states that border Mexico, according to new research. ... |
On the hunt for poppies In Mexico — America's biggest heroin supplier [14.01.2018] | Mexico's southwestern Guerrero state is now the top source of heroin for the American drug epidemic, which resulted in more than 64,000 overdose deat ... |
Mexico opens up its heroin fight to U.S., U.N. observers [07.04.2017] | For the first time in at least a decade, Mexico's army is allowing the United States and the United Nations to observe opium poppy eradication, a ste ... |
Young hands in Mexico feed growing U.S. demand for heroin [29.08.2015] | As heroin addiction soars in the United States, a boom is underway south of the border, reflecting the two nations’ troubled symbiosis. Officials fro ... |
Mexico’s missing marijuana mystery [03.02.2015] | Every year, soldiers roam Mexico’s hinterland in search of illegal marijuana plots. Massive eradication campaigns have been part of Mexican life sinc ... |
Mexican opium farmers expand plots to supply U.S. heroin boom [02.02.2015] | Red and purple blossoms with fat, opium-filled bulbs blanket the remote creek sides and gorges of the Filo Mayor mountains in the southern state of G ... |
Losing marijuana business, Mexican cartels push heroin and meth [11.01.2015] | Mexican traffickers are sending a flood of cheap heroin and methamphetamine across the U.S. border, the latest drug seizure statistics show, in a new ... |
Full scope on the War on Drugs [30.04.1998] | An elderly cleaning lady enters the huge empty UN aula in New York with her polishing cart, to get the venue spic-and-span for an important upcoming ... |
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