Items tagged with ecstasy and legalization

Item title Description
High street? Dutch ecstasy ‘shop’ shows possible way for drug reform [18.08.2022] For campaigners advocating drug liberalisation, it is an image that is almost too good to be true: a store down a cobbled street in Utrecht legally s ...
Legalise ecstasy and cannabis to combat drugs crime: think tank [23.06.2022] Dutch drugs criminality could be tackled by legalising ecstasy and cannabis and by a taking a much tougher approach to cocaine smuggling, an independ ...
Coming out about illicit drug use: ‘The hush-hush attitude has to end’ [17.07.2021] The ultimate goal of a campaign by charity Unharm called Let’s be honest/Change the story, is to decriminalise all drug use in Australia by 2030. One ...
Will XTC-Shops replace dealers in the future? [02.03.2021] It’s Friday night. You’re planning on going to a festival with your friends. But first you take your bicycle and you take a trip to the ‘XTC-shop’. T ...
Government urged to sell cocaine and ecstasy in pharmacies [19.10.2020] Cocaine, ecstasy and amphetamines should be “nationalised” and sold legally in government-run pharmacies to undermine global drug-related crime, the ...
It’s time to admit it: Drug dealers should be considered essential workers [19.05.2020] Over the past few weeks, we’ve heard stories about how the pandemic has disrupted the global narcotics trade. In Mexico, it’s messing up business for ...
Australia could be the first country to legalise ecstasy – are we going too far? [04.10.2019] Matt Noffs, the chief executive of the Ted Noffs Foundation and a spokesman for the Take Control Campaign for Safer, Saner Drug Laws, and Alex Wodak, ...
Feds 'obsessed' with cannabis laws as Barr opens door to MDMA reform [27.09.2019] Chief Minister Andrew Barr says the federal government should stick to trying to beat dangerous drug gangs instead of becoming "obsessed" with the AC ...
How to legalize every drug [22.05.2019] As Canada continues to work out the kinks of legalizing cannabis—and jurisdictions around the world follow suit—harm reduction advocates and drug pol ...
Illicit drugs should be regulated and distributed by pharmacies, leading doctor suggests [30.01.2019] A leading drug reform advocate and esteemed doctor is calling for a shake up to the illicit drug market, suggesting substances like MDMA, marijuana a ...
Taking stock: A decade of drug policy [22.10.2018] ‘Taking stock: A decade of drug policy’ evaluates the impacts of drug policies implemented across the world over the past decade, using data from the ...
Doctor: Legalisation of pure MDMA should be considered [18.06.2015] Dr Paul Quigley, an emergency medicine specialist and clinical toxicologist at Wellington Hospital, says the legalisation of pure MDMA - the main ing ...
First ‘ecstasy’ shop opens in Amsterdam [19.05.2015] A Dutch political movement is calling for the legalization of the psychoactive drug ecstasy – and has opened a shop to promote its cause. The youth w ...
It’s time to talk about MDMA [10.08.2014] Another summer festival season, another slate of tragic overdoses and a few overwrought reactions about the need to ban electronic music parties. “Pa ...
Majority of Americans ready to legalize marijuana [09.08.2011] Many Americans continue to believe that marijuana should be legalized, but are not supportive of making other drugs readily available, a new Angus Re ...