Artículos etiquetados con scientific research

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La ONU reconoce oficialmente las propiedades medicinales del cannabis [02.12.2020] La ONU aprobó uno de los mayores cambios en política de drogas de las últimas décadas al reconocer las propiedades medicinales del cannabis y elimina ...
La intervención judicial de uno de los mayores bancos de semillas de cannabis causa perplejidad en el sector [09.10.2020] Una operación conjunta de Guardia Civil y Agencia Tributaria, a instancias del Juzgado de Instrucción 6 de la Audiencia Nacional y su Fiscalía Antidr ...
What can we learn from the Dutch cannabis coffeeshop system? [31.10.2011] In 1976 the Netherlands adopted a formal written policy of non-enforcement for violations involving possession or sale of up to 30 g of cannabis. The ...
Randomized controlled trial of dexamphetamine maintenance for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence [31.05.2009] This study tested the impact of a long-acting form of amphetamine as medication to help control dependent use of the closely allied stimulant, metham ...
The Limited Relevance of Drug Policy [01.05.2004] Decriminalizing cannabis doesn't lead to more widespread use, according to a study comparing cannabis users in two similar cities with opposing canna ...
Crack Heads and Roots Daughters [01.01.2002] An ethnographic study of women and drug use in inner city neighborhoods in Kingston, Jamaica, revealed that cannabis is commonly used in conjunction ...
Evaluating alternative cannabis regimes [31.01.2001] Cannabis is the cutting-edge drug for reform, the only politically plausible candidate for major legal change, at least decriminalisation (re ...
Cannabis use, a stepping stone to other drugs? [31.12.1996] Does smoking reefer lead to using other drugs, in daily practice usually described as cocaine and heroin? Raising the possibility that the answer to ...
